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What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ

June - July 2021

What Doctors Don’t Tell You is a bi-monthly magazine which publishes the latest healthcare news, alongside information on complimentary therapies and alternative medicines, with a host of features and stories written by leading experts and our highly-respected regular contributors. We aim to bring our readers world-leading research and ground-breaking news. Our hallmark is in-depth research, and hard-won information of a quality that can change lives for the better.



EDITORIAL PANEL • What Doctors Don’t Tell You is supported by some of the world’s leading pioneers in nutritional, environmental and alternative medicine. Each is an authority in his or her field; many have broken new ground and inspired new practices in medicine.


Two cups of coffee reduce heart failure risk

Eat your greens to stay mentally sharp

Gut worm therapy could block chronic disease

The four factors that change your biological age

How green tea is a cancer fighter

Women with a UTI usually get the wrong treatment

How tea reduces high blood pressure

More vegetables than fruit in the five-a-day

COVID-19 NEWS • Early batches of Pfizer vaccine were ‘unstable’

Vitamin D halves number of Covid deaths

90% of Covid deaths linked to a vitamin D deficiency

Processed foods put immune system into ‘destruct’ mode

We’re naturally Covid fighters

Drug benefits could all be in the mind

Second trip for LSD as antidepressant

Heart problems? Eat oily fish twice a week

Heart disease? Then watch out for your gums

Exercise is key to preventing heart disease

Breast cancer a disease of vitamin D deficiency


Coffee reduces prostate cancer risk

Preventing diabetes is also about when you eat

You can’t cheat on a healthy diet

Positive people live extra eight years

Don’t just floss, bleeding gums suggest a vitamin C deficiency

Covid-19 will soon become another common cold

Covid vaccines smart, immune system smarter

The common problem among serious sufferers

Lateral flow test not fit for purpose


Making the gut a cancer fighter

Eating more fish could reduce children’s asthma risk

Histamine response is key to understanding IBS

Collateral damage • Celeste McGovern reveals the side-effects emerging from the first months of the Covid vaccine rollout

covid vaccine adverse events: HARDLY one in a million


Why doctors trust drugs that are deadly • When there’s big money at stake, drug companies will hide the data and adopt mafia-like tactics to silence critics of dangerous drugs, as a new report reveals

DON’T PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET • Diversification is the way out of the pandemic, says Rob Verkerk

Bad Covid? It’s the diet, stupid • A Covid-19 infection can be serious for anyone who is obese or has one of four chronic health problems—and this trumps age

The mask slips • We all wear one—but a face mask is doing very little to stop the spread of Covid-19

B-R-E-A-K-I-N-G O-U-T • How a little-known spelling therapy is freeing hundreds of autistic youths from their prisons of silence. Celeste McGovern reports

‘They talk to me like I understand’

‘We are not aliens’

Where to start Spelling to Communicate

EAT A RAINBOW EVERY DAY • Consume foods that represent all six color groups of the ‘phytonutient spectrum’ each and every day!

Warding off the gut killers • Certain foods and eating habits can cause a leaky gut, leading to a host of illnesses. In...

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Frequency: Every other month Pages: 84 Publisher: Nuclear Enterprises Pty Ltd Edition: June - July 2021

OverDrive Magazine

  • Release date: May 23, 2021


OverDrive Magazine


Health & Fitness



What Doctors Don’t Tell You is a bi-monthly magazine which publishes the latest healthcare news, alongside information on complimentary therapies and alternative medicines, with a host of features and stories written by leading experts and our highly-respected regular contributors. We aim to bring our readers world-leading research and ground-breaking news. Our hallmark is in-depth research, and hard-won information of a quality that can change lives for the better.



EDITORIAL PANEL • What Doctors Don’t Tell You is supported by some of the world’s leading pioneers in nutritional, environmental and alternative medicine. Each is an authority in his or her field; many have broken new ground and inspired new practices in medicine.


Two cups of coffee reduce heart failure risk

Eat your greens to stay mentally sharp

Gut worm therapy could block chronic disease

The four factors that change your biological age

How green tea is a cancer fighter

Women with a UTI usually get the wrong treatment

How tea reduces high blood pressure

More vegetables than fruit in the five-a-day

COVID-19 NEWS • Early batches of Pfizer vaccine were ‘unstable’

Vitamin D halves number of Covid deaths

90% of Covid deaths linked to a vitamin D deficiency

Processed foods put immune system into ‘destruct’ mode

We’re naturally Covid fighters

Drug benefits could all be in the mind

Second trip for LSD as antidepressant

Heart problems? Eat oily fish twice a week

Heart disease? Then watch out for your gums

Exercise is key to preventing heart disease

Breast cancer a disease of vitamin D deficiency


Coffee reduces prostate cancer risk

Preventing diabetes is also about when you eat

You can’t cheat on a healthy diet

Positive people live extra eight years

Don’t just floss, bleeding gums suggest a vitamin C deficiency

Covid-19 will soon become another common cold

Covid vaccines smart, immune system smarter

The common problem among serious sufferers

Lateral flow test not fit for purpose


Making the gut a cancer fighter

Eating more fish could reduce children’s asthma risk

Histamine response is key to understanding IBS

Collateral damage • Celeste McGovern reveals the side-effects emerging from the first months of the Covid vaccine rollout

covid vaccine adverse events: HARDLY one in a million


Why doctors trust drugs that are deadly • When there’s big money at stake, drug companies will hide the data and adopt mafia-like tactics to silence critics of dangerous drugs, as a new report reveals

DON’T PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET • Diversification is the way out of the pandemic, says Rob Verkerk

Bad Covid? It’s the diet, stupid • A Covid-19 infection can be serious for anyone who is obese or has one of four chronic health problems—and this trumps age

The mask slips • We all wear one—but a face mask is doing very little to stop the spread of Covid-19

B-R-E-A-K-I-N-G O-U-T • How a little-known spelling therapy is freeing hundreds of autistic youths from their prisons of silence. Celeste McGovern reports

‘They talk to me like I understand’

‘We are not aliens’

Where to start Spelling to Communicate

EAT A RAINBOW EVERY DAY • Consume foods that represent all six color groups of the ‘phytonutient spectrum’ each and every day!

Warding off the gut killers • Certain foods and eating habits can cause a leaky gut, leading to a host of illnesses. In...

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